Remote Learning
Remote Learning protocol at Rainham Mark Grammar School
RMGS uses Microsoft 365 and Microsoft TEAMS. Every student has a login to TEAMS. Every class that a student is allocated to has its own “TEAM”. This means that teachers can use TEAMS to communicate with their students, set work for them, and also run a live lesson through the TEAMS meeting function.
In the event of a school closure:
· On the first day of a school closure work will be set for students by the class teacher that they are timetabled with that day. Work will be set via the assignments section of TEAMS, or posted on the general thread in the TEAMS virtual classroom.
· Should the school be closed for a second day, or longer, where possible we will switch to teaching live lessons using the TEAMS meeting function. Teachers will invite the class to the lessons at the scheduled time of each lesson. Students will follow their timetables. Attendance to lessons will be recorded.
· If a teacher is unable to teach live lessons during a period of remote learning they will discuss this with their line manager in the first instance. In some circumstances there will be discretion for teachers with circumstances that prevent the delivery of live lessons. This will be decided by the Headteacher, Agnes Hart or the Deputy Headteachers, Charli Napier and Emma Horstrup. In this situation, students will be set work via the assignments function in TEAMS.
· If a student does not have access to a device that can enable TEAMS they should contact their year team, or their form tutor.
· Any queries or concerns related to access to remote learning materials should be directed to the Deputy Head: Quality for Education, Charli Napier
Expectations of students during remote learning periods:
· Unless notified otherwise, students should assume that in the event of a period of remote learning they are expected to continue with their learning
· Students are expected to complete work. They are expected to communicate, via the TEAMS channels, when they need help and support with their school work
· During live lessons students are expected to turn their cameras and microphones on if this is requested by a teacher. There will be times when a teacher might ask students to turn cameras and microphones off so that students can complete written and independent work
· During live lessons students are expected to use the hands up function or the chat function if they want to ask a question.
· Remote learning can be challenging for some students, however we have high expectations of our students to be the best versions of themselves. Therefore, we expect them to participate as much as they are able to in live lessons
· The behaviour expectations we have in school should be followed during live lessons. Any behaviours that go against our expectations will result in concerns being raised with parents and carers.
During any periods of remote learning, students should look after themselves and if they are struggling should contact their year group team for support. They can do this via TEAMS or via email.