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Rainham Mark Grammar School Designated Safeguarding Leads  

Mrs Horstrup

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mrs Hart


Mr Smith

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Brown

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Ms Gooding

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Robbins

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Else

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Curtis

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Please click here to view our Safeguarding Policy

The Designated Safeguarding Lead at RMGS is Mrs Emma Horstrup, Deputy Headteacher. Should you need to contact the school regarding a safeguarding concern, please email or call the School Office ( who will direct you to the appropriate person. Out of hours please contact Medway Safeguarding Partnership Board (First Response) directly on 01634 334 466 or here to make an online referral

Remember, students can contact Childline at any time here 0800 1111,  


Reporting a concern

Our school is a safe space for everyone and we want students to share any worries with the trusted adults in school. We will always treat information sensitively and act on concerns in the best way.

However, we recognise that students may have concerns about the school that we are unaware of, and on occasion,  may feel more comfortable raising them through this portal as an additional communication tool. If information shared through this portal is of a safeguarding nature and suggests that someone is in danger, we will follow up with the student raising the concern so that we can keep everyone safe.

To report a concern please click on the link below.

Report a Concern


Online safety

National Online Safety's mission is to empower teachers, school staff, parents and carers with the knowledge they need to keep children safe online.  You can find further information below: