Our core purpose is to
Foster an inclusive education and strive to ensure that every young person attending RMGS feels equally valued and respected, reaches their full potential. We actively celebrate difference.
The SEND Department at RMGS does not operate in isolation. All teaching and support staff work closely with the department. Through the relationship and partnership with parents and external agencies, if necessary, we look to develop teaching and learning strategies that embrace all learners.
We work within the guidance provided in the SEND Code of Practice 2015, working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals as necessary to ensure that each student’s needs are met. This is achieved through implementing the right strategies for each young person such as:
- Identifying, providing, reviewing and evaluating effectiveness of provisions for all students with SEND and medical needs to enable them to access the curriculum that is appropriate to their age group
- Identifying the SEND and medical needs of students joining the school and planning appropriately for those students’ needs
- Being alert to the needs of all students who may develop SEND, and to adapt to meet their needs
- Operating and implementing a personalised and holistic approach to the management and provision of support for students with SEND and medical needs
- Ensuring that staff are aware of the needs of students identified as having SEND and medical needs and providing relevant support and advice
- Regular assessment of student progress
- Building & maintaining a partnership with parents and students to ensure support is appropriate to individual needs for progress to be made
- Working with external agencies to provide individualised strategies, resources and support.
How are our students supported?
Most support takes place within lessons through adaptive quality first teaching. Some students may need additional active support, and this may include:
- Literacy support; including students who have English as an Additional Language
- Health Care Plans where there are physical or medical needs
- Provision Plans for students identified as receiving SEND Support
- Specialist support where appropriate by form tutors, Heads of Year, Inclusion Manager, SENCO, CXK advisor, school counsellor, Learning Support Assistant, Student Mentors and other external agencies.
The four primary areas of need are:
- Cognition and learning
- Communication and interaction
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and/ or physical need
We believe that any provision should:
- Match the needs of the individual student
- Take account of the wishes and feelings of the student
- Be in partnership with the student's parents