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Food Preparation and Nutrition

Food is an essential part of our lives, and this course will study food from many different standpoints.

Year 10 Term Curriculum Content:

Project 1 - Food preparation skills

Students will be required to use general practical skills and knife skills to prepare and produce a wide range of food products. This will include preparing fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and a variety of carbohydrate foods. Students will have to show that they can use all food technology equipment proficiently while using all cooking methods to prepare, combine and shape food. Students will work to learn how to tenderise and marinade meat, sauce making, doughs with the use of raising agents and finish the project learning about setting mixtures.

Project 2 - Food, nutrition and health

In this project students will learn about macro and micro nutrients. Specifically they will learn their function in the body, their main sources and the effects of deficiency or excess. During this project students will also learn about the need for water in the body and the importance of hydration. Students will learn about how to make informed choices of food for a varied and balanced diet whilst learning about technological developments associated with better health.

Project 3 - Food science

Students will research why food is cooked. They will explore different cooking methods such as the use of an oven for baking, roasting, braising or the use of a hob for poaching, shallow frying, boiling. This terms project also examines the functional and chemical properties of food and their nutrients such as protein coagulation, gelatinisation and emulsification.

Project 4 - Food safety

Being an important subject, students will research food spoilage and contamination whilst discussing the positive use of microorganisms in food production. Students will explore how food should be stored and apply their knowledge of food safety when preparing and cooking food.

Project 5 - Food provenance

In this project food technology students will discuss factors affecting food choices related to religion, culture, ethical and medical conditions. They will study traditional British food and international cuisine. In this term students will learn sensory testing methods and how to test the sensory qualities of a wide range of foods. Students must learn the fast changing laws of food labelling and how it can affect consumer choice. They will research the meaning of current food labelling in accordance with the EU and Food Standards Agency.


Non-Exam Assessment: Food Investigation - Task 1 (15% of GCSE marks)
(Task issued from exam board in September of Year 11)
Understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this task.

Non-Exam Assessment: Food preparation assessment - Task 2 (35% of GCSE marks)
(Task issued from exam board in November)
Knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task.

  • End of Year 11 Written exam:
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE
  • Multiple choice questions (20 marks)
  • Five questions each with a number of sub questions (80 marks)