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Year 9

Graphic takes students through a series of short focused projects. The tasks set  include marketing campaigns for various products including logo and catch phrase, advertising poster/ banner for both print and internet. Another focus for year 9 is packaging going through design, modelling and production. Students are able to build upon IT knowledge gained through the school as well as trying new software to support their designing.

Year 8

Graphics is supported through project sharing with Textiles due to timetable constraints.

This includes learning to use Photoshop and packaging design and make for the textiles product.

Year 7

Graphics is linked with electronics to produce a working badge that lights up when dark. Students use graphics to produce designs for the actual badge as a promotional item for a given event, and using a printed circuit board solder on the necessary components. Being bright students they are taken through the theory side of electronics using Croc-Tech software to experiment, linking in nicely with their science curriculum.