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Key Stage 4

Students started their Science GCSE studies whilst in Year 9. During Year 10, pupils continue with these as Science lessons lead to the Triple Award or Double Award in Science. This means that by the end of Year 11 pupils will receive three separate GCSEs one in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics or two GCSE’s in Core and Additional Science.

Pupils have to complete a coursework assignment which is worth 25% of their overall grade. Pupils have four lessons per two week cycle in the each of the three sciences and most will be taught by one subject specialist teacher. Pupils opting for the Double Award route will take their Core Science GCSE at the end of Year 10 and their Additional Science GCSE at the end of Year 11. Those pupils on the Triple Award route will take all their examinations at the end of Year 11.

How to progress:

In order to make progress throughout the course you will need to be aware of the grades of knowledge in all branches of Science.
In order to monitor your progress you will be assessed at regular intervals throughout the year by end of topic tests. These will be linked to grades and from this you will be able to see which grade you are performing. This will be compared with your predicted grade and will enable your teachers to guide you towards the work you must do to achieve this level/grade, or better still exceed it.
Additionally you will be given homework consisting of questions from past papers from previous years which are related to the topics you will be studying at the time. These will be marked and will give another indication of your level of performance.

How to help your child in Science:

We believe the best way to support your child is by supporting your child with their homework.


1.         It can help pupils to make more rapid progress in learning.

2.         It can allow pupils to develop the practice of working on their own without the constant   presence of the teacher or other pupils on the one hand and the external discipline of things such as the timetable or the bells on the other. This way of working is vital at the later stages of secondary education and after.

3.         Work at home can provide the quiet and private conditions needed for creative and thoughtful work of all kinds.

4.         It can allow valuable practice of skills learned in the classroom or laboratory.

5.         It can allow pupils to use materials and other sources of information that are not always available in the classroom or laboratory.

6.         It can involve parents and others in the pupils' work for their mutual benefit.

7.         It can give opportunities for long term research and other work.

8.         It can form an important part of the pupil's notes.

9.         This gives pupils valuable experience of working to dead lines and facilitates staff with their marking schedules.

10.        It forms a link with the methods of study crucial to success at Secondary School.



1.         Check that homework details are filled in clearly and regularly in the homework diary. There is space there for your regular signature.

2.         Help your child organise his or her time to best advantage so that things are not all left to the last minute or even forgotten.

3.         Try to make sure that there are suitable working conditions at home.

4.         Take a positive and active interest in your child's work at home rather than just insisting that it is done.

5.         Let us know if there are problems with homework that you cannot resolve. Perhaps your child seems to be doing too much, or not enough, or is finding it too easy or too difficult.

Contact the Science class teacher in the first instance who will be glad to help.